
Purchase Shakespeare Tickets:

Please fill in the form and select the number of tickets for the desired performances.
IMPORTANT: Make sure your email address is correct so that we can confirm your purchase!
When ready, click the 'Continue to Payment Page' button to review your selections and make your payment.

Select the number of tickets for the desired performances.

Performance Category Price # Tickets Subtotal
A Midsummer Night's Dream (4 Feb)General Admission300.00
A Midsummer Night's Dream (4 Feb)HLA Member250.00
A Midsummer Night's Dream (4 Feb)Senior250.00
A Midsummer Night's Dream (4 Feb)Student150.00
Imogen (Cymbeline) (5 Feb)General Admission300.00
Imogen (Cymbeline) (5 Feb)HLA Member250.00
Imogen (Cymbeline) (5 Feb)Senior250.00
Imogen (Cymbeline) (5 Feb)Student150.00
The number of selected tickets is .
The total cost for these tickets is 0.00.

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